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Scratch Contributors

Who are we

We are a group of people who have contributed and still are contributing to @LLK’s block-based programming language Scratch in many ways. We are:

  1. Scratch Design Studio (SDS) Curators
  2. Scratch Design Studio (SDS) Translators
  3. Scratch Wiki Contributors (of all Scratch Wikis)
  4. Former Moderators (who used to moderate 1.x)
  5. Scratch Translators
  6. Scratch Welcoming Committee Curators
  7. Scratch Welcoming Committee Translators
  8. Propose Projects to be Featured Curators
  9. Propose Projects to be Featured Translators
  10. Propose Studios to be Featured Translators
  11. Front Page Curator Applications Curators
  12. Front Page Curator Help Studio Curators
  13. Forum Helpers
  14. Users who provided Scratch with technology help
  15. Users whose names are in the Credits page
  16. Scratch Camp Counsellors
  17. Scratch Camp Translators
  18. Front Page Curator Translators
  19. Users who have got pull requests merged on GitHub

About our members

All of our members have contributed to Scratch in different ways! You can read about them here.

How you can join us

If you are a Scratch Contributor and want to join us, then you can either open an issue in our GitHub repository or leave a comment in our studio on Scratch.


Scratch Studio: